Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bikes with Deer - inaugural post

I just moved to Austin, TX, where I purposefully don't own a motor vehicle. Just me and my bicycle. And my girlfriend Angel and her two bicycles. And my brother Sam and his three bicycles. We're just having a blast!
Actually it's pretty hard being a full-time cyclist in this city. The motorists are hostile, the streets have no room for cyclists, and the hills are killer. Much harder than Montreal, where Angel and I learned
But from a road biker's point of view, it's incredible. The pavement is usually outstanding, compared to Quebec where I was biking before, where road construction is notoriously bad, at least partly due to the frost heaves in winter and part due to shoddy workmanship from overpaid labor. Meh, that's another story.
THIS story, is all about my rides around town, the beauty and grueling hills, the speeds and the views, my personal improvements, group rides, and most importantly of all... deer. Because in some of the best biking areas of this city, the deer outnumber squirrels. And on misty morning rides, they sometimes run along side you, like a dog might, only their silent, and majestic, not barking and threatening. It's pretty neat.
Hope you enjoy!